EPHESIANS 5:22-33 MAGNIFICENT MARRIAGES Law and Grace Genesis 2:15-25, 3:16-19 The priority of marriage. The permanence of marriage. " Shall be joined to his wife " means "welded together." Mark 10:9 The purpose of marriage. companionship cooperation completion communication continuation Nine differences between men and women 1. man is to be the provider and woman is to be the helper 2. the husband is the protector, the woman is the nurturer 3. the man is to be the leader and the woman is to be the enhancer 4. man is physically strong, the woman is more fragile 5. men approach problems head first and women approach things heart first 6. men tend to strive for achievement and women strive for security 7. a man sees his job as an extension of himself a woman sees the home as an extension of herself 8. a woman tends to be more sensitive and men tend to be insensitive 9. men tend to be defensive, women tend to be trusting Mariane Holbrook...