Luke 12:1-34 Discipleship: God and Your Money.
Luke 12:1-34 Discipleship: God and Your Money. People do all kinds of foolish things to become rich. They will rob, kill, kidnap, sacrifice their integrity, and prostitute themselves for money. Many destroy their families and ruin their health in pursuit of "just a little more." All this—despite the fact that wealth can't guarantee lasting happiness, health, or security. On the other hand, money is an essential part of our lives. Those who have little or none of it will face many hardships. God is the source and owner of all wealth. "The earth is the Lord's, and all it contains" and "He owns the cattle on a thousand hills" (Ps. 24:1; 50:10) Money is a major subject in Scripture. There are more verses about wealth than there are about heaven, hell, or prayer. More than 2,000 scriptures mention money, and over half the parables have to do with monetary principles. Why did the Lord give us so much instruction about finances? Because it plays...