Being Filled With the Spirit -πληροῦσθε
Being Filled With the Spirit Enns "The filling of the Holy Spirit is distinct from the other ministries of the Spirit inasmuch as it is conditional. Whereas ministries such as the indwelling, baptism, regenerating, and sealing are nonexperiential and occur but once at the moment of conversion, the filling of the Spirit is experiential and also repeated. The basis for the filling of the Spirit is Ephesians 5:18, "Be filled with the Spirit." The command to be filled with the Spirit is given in contrast to the warning "do not get drunk with wine." Drunkenness exhibits the inability of the person to control himself. The nature of the Christian's life is to be in contrast to the nature of the uncontrolled drunkard. The meaning of filled (Gk. plerousthe) is "control.""The indwelling Spirit of God is the One who should continually control and dominate the life of the believer." Slide 2 Eph. 5:15 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as un...